money rules everything around us.

by bringing awareness to your money beliefs, you’ll see life gets a hell of a lot easier.

your relationship to money

your relationship to money

When have you slowed down enough to reflect on what your money “success recipe” is? I hadn’t until one day it hit me like a lightning bolt… there was a pattern to the moments money felt like it simply flowed into my life. And equally, there was a pattern to when it seemed just out of reach.

growth. intentionality. commitment. Embodied. receptivity. play. invitations. visualizing. variety. alchemy.

These are my 9 guiding principles, my “Money Success” recipe.

When I’m receptive to the world, sometimes an invitation comes my way that feels it will grow me just the right amount. I take a moment to be intentional and choose if I am committed. The invitation tends to feel like play, and I can visualize future me in this new place. I ensure I can maintain the right amount of variety in my life in accepting this invite, and that this invitation will also add to my life’s feeling of alchemy.

If it’s not a yes to all of these … it’s a no.

freedom from societal conditioning

This money success recipe is what allows me to be free of capitalism’s incessant and powerful influence. I no longer am held captive to what were once my unconscious beliefs of “Time is Money” or “Money Money is Always Better” or “Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees”.

If you’d like to pause and reflect on your money recipe as I have done, I invite you to explore The Money Spa.

Every so often, the most luxurious Spa in town opens up. It’s a place where you will see a healthier relationship with your past, current & future money begin to emerge. One that you have intentionally chosen, rather society choosing it for you.

The money spa

  • Say hello to The Money Spa. A place you probably didn't think you'd ever need to stumble upon, because you likely didn’t know your relationship to money needed some R&R 🙃

    But now that I say that… don't we all need it! And deserve it. The Spa is not here to teach you how to save or invest. It’s instead guiding you to think differently, so you stop letting money rule everything around you.

    The Spa is for you if you want a medium term plan to stop literally "working in exchange for money". Instead, you want to have fun - and you just happen to get paid as a byproduct of said fun 💫

    And because this is The Money Spa, it will be rejuvenating. Money is heavy stuff, so I get you might not believe me. So I will ask you to imagine that you have a special invite for the most luxurious spa in town. The only catch is that this spa is in the middle of a very trashy casino. You have to walk through the clink-clink-clink of the slot machines, the horrific bright fluorescent lights and the over oxygenated stale air to get to this luxurious spa. What do you focus on - the spa that awaits you or the slot machines? I bet you hurry your cute booty up to the spa! And once there you put your headphones in, close your eyes, and breathe your way into the warm water. You allow yourself to tune out the noise, lights & insanity of the casino world just outside and go inwards for a moment.

    When you come back out of the bath, the world doesn’t feel quite as jarring. You saunter out of the trashy casino chill as a kitten, with a coy smile on your face … knowing you have managed to indulge in a little secret Spa time.

    This is what The Money Spa does. It rejuvenates you so you can saunter through our incessant capitalist world. Because capitalism really does rule everything around us. The Money Spa is the antidote to capitalism. It creates the skills to navigate the financial conversations happening inside your head and with the people around you with ease. You become The Spa. The still, safe space inside of our crazy, money, profit obsessed world

  • Because money is an individual trajectory - there are four 1:1 coaching sessions that anchor us. Below are the themes we cover…

    ~Connecting to how far you've come, and how far you want to go~

    I'll identify your subconscious beliefs as you tell me your money story, and then together we'll apply these to how it shows up in your life. You’ll leave with a lifelong money energetic statement.

    ~Creating your money direction

    We'll define the right "money" goal for you (because a savings number is oh so 2002) and then spend time connecting to what getting to that goal unlocks.

    ~Peeking behind the curtain and re-organizing your life

    We’ll review a homework assignment of putting together a 3 month retrospective financial budget (that I give you directions to do ahead of time) that allows us to reflect on what "enough" would really be spending wise for you specifically.. and then dream about how that could take pressure off of you, income wise.

    ~Let's get selfish... but stay humble

    We’ll uncover what you need (rather than want) in life right now so we can explore how to distract yourself while you wait for this need to arrive and of course move through an exercise on doing something you love, but for a fraction of the income you earn today.

  • But I of course will be sharing my personal story to inspire you as you re-shape yours. The three moments will cover the themes below…

    ~A focus beyond money

    We’ll spend time acknowledging accumulating money is not the only goal in life - it's also important to maintain your relationships, health & more. We’ll also explore societal beliefs that do not support money consciousness (i.e. "time is money"), allowing us to pull at the string that our money woes are really just the exposed tip of an underlying need.

    ~My 20/20 money hindsight

    I’ll share the story on how I now think I was able to make my first million alongside an open share of my money energetics around spending & saving where I expose my (slightly insane) spreadsheet frameworks for how I make bigger money life decisions.

    ~Creating permission to let your money simply appear (rather than work for it)

    I share how approaching life from a place of need, rather than want, leads to money liberation. And how the trick to finding what you're looking for is getting distracted… because if it's about money, it's not about you.

